March 2019 – Slamrockin’
Some call it "madness". Some call it the 'tourney". Some call it "bracketology". At Skybacher Ministries, we call it the 3-on-3 Slamrock, and this year's event was one of our largest ever!!! In all we had 28 total teams compete in the event!! It was great to see so...
Cosmic Clash 2019 – A break in the weather.
It was a crazy weekend of weather and weather predictions, thankfully for us the predicted 8-12 inches of snow never arrived and we were able to host our annual Cosmic Clash on Sunday night. Students were able to play four-square and load up their faces with glowing...
Hangtime Basketball – Continues to be a Slam Dunk!!
This December we finished up our 9th year of Hangtime after school basketball. Students in 3rd & 4th grade participated in drills and activities after school and had games on Saturdays. This has all helped prepare them for many who are playing on travel teams this...
Fall 2018 – 15 Years in the Making.
Pumpkin Blast Champions- Swaggin Dragons It's hard to believe but the fall meant the start of our 15th school year of sports ministry!!! We kicked things off in October with the annaul Dodgeball Pumpkin Blast. We didn't have a huge turnout for the High...
Skybacher Sports Schedule 2018
We are bummed that summer is ending to, but we can't wait to kick off another school year of sports and ministry. This will be our 15th year of student ministry at Skybacher! Wow! We will start Pray & Play our middle & high school sports outreach on Sep....
Summer Report 2018 – Joy and Hope!
Every summer I wonder if we still have the energy to run summer day camps. I often begin the summer praying, “When I am weak, He is strong.” Then I see a kid getting a piggy back ride, kids getting hi-fives, hear the sounds of laughs and crashes on a slip-n-slide,...
Skybacher Ministries is Seeking Volunteers – 2018-19
Skybacher Ministries is seeking volunteers for the upcoming school year. If you are passionate about spreading good sports, good times, and ultimately "The Good News"! Please consider joining us in serving today!! If you or someone you know are interested please...
2018 Duck Derby Results
Another year, another round of ducks traversing the creek for our annual Rubber Duck Derby! We had nearly 500 ducks sent down the creek. Thank you to everyone who made a donation!!! Here are the results. CONGRATS TO OUR WINNER - DUCK # 239!! Here is a list of our top...
March 2018 – Hoops & Hot Tubs!
This March we once again held our Annual 3-on-3 Slamrock. We had a great turnout as we had several teams in each age division. The...
February 2018 – Love at All Times!
We are already 2 months into 2018! In February we take a break from the tournament season and we plan our annual Great Big Group Date. This year we went to North...
January 2018 – Glowing Into 2018!
It's 2018!!! In January we returned back to Pray & Play after a little break for the holidays. We opened things up by looking at the life of Paul the Apostle. Don't forget you can...
December 2017 – Servant or Skeptic?
I was reading through the Christmas story and was thinking about how much I would have been like Zechariah and less like Mary. See Zechariah was told that he would be given a son John the Baptist, and he...
November 2017 – Hangtime, Heavy Hitters, & Hope
November is always a very busy month for us as we try to pack in 2 tournaments within the month. We started with our annual Flag Football Cereal Bowl. On the...
October 2017 Highlights- Having a Ball!
Well we rolled into October for our Annual Dodgeball Pumpkin Blast. Five teams battled it out on Saturday Night and it was Sold Out who would take home the title. Students were challenged with a message about the epic showdown for their hearts. On Sunday we followed...
September 2017 Report
We just kicked off our 14th year of school calendar ministry!!! We are already off and running on another year of Pray & Play our sports & play Sunday night outreach! With everything that is going on in the world...