New Year, A New Thing, Same God – Laser Tag Party
We were trying to think of a way to kick of the new year.??And we decided what a better way to get things started in 2024 then a little laser tag.?At Laser Storm, 22 of us ducked and dodged lasers throughout 3 games on the night.?At the break we had a message and...
Celebrating 20 years of Good Stuff – Turkey & Good Stuff 23′
Hard to believe that 20 years ago we were gathering baked goods from family and friends to start a spring up sports ministry, but that's exactly what we were doing in the beginning of November 2004. We eventually made enough money to purchase volleyballs, and had a...
A Bowl Full of Blessing – Cereal Bowl 23′
This November 19th we once again hosted our annual Flag Football Cereal Bowl. It was a beautiful day for football, and 19 teams came and battled it out on the day through 4 different age divisions. First off we always encourage students to donate a box of cereal that...
Dodgeball Pumpkin Blast 23′
It had been since 2019, since we had done our beloved Dodgeball Pumpkin Blast Tournament. Oh how missed it was! Nine teams of K-6th grade filled the gym, most wearing team themes - (the Fireballs, the Soccer Zombies, the Zelie Zombies etc.) The dodgeball action was...
Fastest Duck Derby Ever – Rubber Duck Derby 23′
Fastest Rubber Duck Derby Ever!!
2023 Summer Newsletter – Great is Thy Faithfulness
Our latest newsletter was put together just as we started our 16th year of the "More Than" Sports Camps! The Camps are going great, but here is what we were up to during the spring months!
Dodgeball Showdown Returns with a Blast of Blessings
Skybacher Ministries has been around for 19 school years, and in that time we have hosted many, many dodgeball tournaments, like 17 years worth of dodgeball tournaments. Then a global pandemic made it difficult to continue such an event. But this spring we felt like...
23′ More Than Summer Camp Registration is Open!!
The people have been askin, and so we are happy to report that the registration for the Skybacher "More Than" Sports Camps is open for the summer - Students can register for camp for only $40 if before May 1st. Also there is scholarship available for those that might...
Great Big Group Date 23′
Even before Skybacher Ministries existed we had been doing the Great Big Group Date - A night for students to hang out with friends doing something local in the Pittsburgh area! This year it was great to once again offer this event. 25 of us headed to Dave &...
Merry Christmas From Skybacher Ministries – Winter Newsletter
We can't believe the year is coming to an end and that it's Christmas! Check out the highlights and report from the fall and winter in our latest newsletter! Wishing you and your family a Merry Christmas!!!
Turkey & Stuffing Volleyball Tourney 22′ – Stuffed with Blessing
The first ever tournament we hosted as a ministry was a volleyball tournament - so every time we are able to do this tournament we consider it a great blessing as its a reminder that God isn't finished with us. Nine teams showed up for a highly competitive tournament...
Flag Football Cereal Bowl 22′- Filled with Good Times!
It had been a few years since we last hosted the Flag Football Cereal Bowl, but on November 13th, it was back like it had never left. We had 18 different teams participate in the day in various different divisions. There were well over 300 people in attendance on the...
Skybacher Classic 22′ – Golf Scramble – Huge Success!
After many years of hosting sports tournaments and events for the youth we decided it was time to host a golf outing! On October 9th we hosted the first ever Skybacher Classic Golf Scramble. There were 14 teams who participated in the days events, which included...
2022 Summer Newsletter – Camp Wrap-up!
What a summer it was, for year 15 of our "More Than" Sports Camps - check out the latest newsletter and read all about how God was at work through the camps and those who participated in them! Thank you to all who prayed for and supported!...
Training UP is Trending UP
Training UP is a program designed for students that want to take extra time to grow in their faith and/or specific skills in their sports of choice. It's a great opportunity for kids to train with our sports mentors, fellowship, and talk about life. The program is...