Hard to believe that 20 years ago we were gathering baked goods from family and friends to start a spring up sports ministry, but that’s exactly what we were doing in the beginning of November 2004. We eventually made enough money to purchase volleyballs, and had a meeting with Unionville United Methodist Church about using the gym on a temporary basis. The birth of a whole new ministry was born. We then quickly hosted a volleyball tournament and things kept going from there. Twenty years later we are still going and hosting tournaments for young people and families, and using the avenue of sports and play to help people connnect with a God who loves you. Once again on Black Friday we hosted our Annual Turkey & Good Stuff Volleyball Tourney. Nine teams battled it out in very competitive games of volleyball. It was a great night celebrating our 20th anniversary and John was able to share a little of the story and how God truly know the desires or our hearts. After we celebrated with a cake it was time for the playoffs and Mo Madness would pull the upset of the night taking down the number one seeded Hickory in a 3 game intense series. This meant they would advance to the finals to face the squad called Ace in the Face who ironically were the same team that won our 10 year anniversary. Mo Madness didn’t have enough in the tank to take down Ace in The Face but they all received great t-shirts sponsored by Lisa Collins – Remaxx Realty. It all was an amazing night of celebrating 20 years and the faithfulness of God.