This year at Kalahari was one for the record books! First off we had over 150 rooms booked!!! That is more rooms then we have ever had. As everyone was enroute to the resort things with the coronavirus went haywire and fears of would we even be able to enjoy the getaway entered everyone’s mind. The prayer and hope was there would be enough chlorine to kill anything.

Kalahari was set to have 700 rooms of gymnastics participants and at a 98% capacity. By Friday they were at a 42% capacity and the whole place was filled with people from the Skybacher and Freedom community. It was amazing to see while a storm was brewing outside literally all around we were able to share laughs, stories, and concerns with others from the community, as we sat and watched people wipe out on the wave rider! We came home energized and blessed to be a part of this community, and thankful for the call God has on our ministry!!! Thank you everyone who booked a room, and praise God we were able to get this in before Kalahari closed it’s doors!