Cast Your Vote
We got some pictures of the new baby! It's showing off it's muscles already! Guess we got ourselves an athlete. But will we have a boy athelete or a girl! Cast your vote now!!
I’m 30 Years Old! Yikes
Well it's been a long time since I updated everything. I turned 30 on the 25th. Kristie and I just got back from Niagara Falls, she took me there for my birthday. It was really nice to have some peace and quiet. We've been busy working on a lot of stuff. Kristie has...
Ending on a good note
Well, we got our second win. It was the most satifying senior night I've ever had as a coach. We had a long season where most of the year we played with only 11 players. I kept telling the girls their perseverance would pay off, and it did in our final game as we won...
Go To Pizza Hut!!!
Hey folks, I really need to take some time and update you on all the news but I'm on my way out the door to my soccer game, to see if we can get win number 2, so this will be a quick one! Last Sunday we had a great time selling crafts and telling people about the...
Where A Kid Can Be a Kid
Well hopefully most of you have gotten our newsletter by now! Tomorrow I start working at Toy's R' Us to make some money to pay the bills. This weekend we will be down at Unionville Church at the craft show. We're selling garden turtles that we made from rocks from...
Olympic Size Dreams
I love the Olympics! I couldn't get enough of it. I stayed up every night until midnight waiting and watching to see who would win the gold medal each night. (Thank goodness they're over so I can get to bed at a reasonable time now). I couldn't imagine all the hard...
An Open Door
An answered prayer! Finally after weeks of anticipation and waiting we got the chance to meet with Unionville United Methodist Church, and they seem very open to allowing Skybacher Ministries to do programming. This is a big relief, they have an awesome facility that...
Back on the Hunt!
Kristie and I have been working hard on things for Skybacher Ministries Inc. We've got a few fund raisers planned. Two of the exiciting things we have will be in November. November 19th we are having a bake sale at Wal-mart, and Friday November 26th we are having a...
The Rain, The Son, and Lake Erie
We just got back from Erie and the Mohrbacher Family Reunion. We had a great time. The lake is so cold it was almost torture to swim, but what's Erie without a swim in the dirty lake? We had our first soccer scrimmage and it was ugly, I lost track of the score at...
Lions, Tylers, and Bears! Oh My!
Sunday we had Tyler's birthday party. It was his first birthday party rain-free. The Lord gave us a beautiful day. Anita made some great ham barbecue (I'm still eating some). Ty got a new bike and a scooter and lots of Spiderman stuff, I hear he's popular these days....
Where’s The Money
My job ends in 2 days! That's what I found out on Monday of this week, even though I was told we wouldn't be done until the 14th. It's probably better that it's ending because I might lose it on somone. They said they don't have enough money to pay us, for another...
It’s Official!
Well Skybacher Ministries is official. We got our tax id number in the mail today which means the government has acknowledged us as a corporation. We should recieve our actual articles of incorporation by the end of the week. Last week Kristie and I celebrated 8 years...
The Traveling Carnival
Tonight we had our second unofficial event for Skybacher Ministries. It went really well. We were back at the projects in Ambridge and we took with us 4 volunteers and enough equipment for 8 different carnival games. The kids loved playing Rockin Knock Down, Crazy...
Hold Me Jesus
Well sometimes my life don't make sense at all, when the mountains seem so big and my faith just seems so small, so hold me Jesus cause' I'm shakin like a leaf, You have been my King of Glory, won't you be my Prince of Peace.- Rich Mullins Those words seem to ring...
Wow It’s Hot!!
Yike's has it been hot! I feel like I'm sitting here melting. Yesterday for the fourth we went to a picnic and down to Pittsburgh for the fireworks. That is always entertaining. Yesterday at the picnic a few people referred to me as the Skybacher ministry guy! That's...