Football Season Just Around The Corner
Football season is just around the corner! This means a few things for Skybacher Ministries. 1. Flag Football Frenzy is not too far off. 2. The Skybacher Ministries Fantasy Football League is now open 3. We'll start playing flag football at Pray & Play soon. A few of...
2 More Pray & Plays to Wrap Up Summer…
Don't miss our final regular Pray & Play THIS Thursday, August 9 from 6:30-9pm @ Unionville UMC - then, hope you can join us for 2 hours of fun at Fun Fore All in Cranberry for $10 on the following Thursday!! Come celebrate a great summer, and final outing before the...
2nd Taste N.C. Bonfire of the summer
Friday from 7:30 - 10:30 we will be having our second bonfire at the Mohrbacher's. All high school and jr. high youth are welcome. We hope to see you there and please plan on bringing a friend.
Here We Go Steelers, Here We Go!
Friday July 3rd, we are planning a trip to Steelers Training Camp. We will be leaving the church at noon! You will need money for lunch/dinner on the way home, and bring any items you want to try and get signed. Please email John @ if you are...
No Pray & Play Thursday July 26th
This is a reminder that there will not be Pray & Play this coming Thursday. We will see you on August 2nd!!!
Pray & Play Friday night 7/20/07
Just reminding everyone that Pray & Play will be Friday night this week instead of Thursday. Time and place will be the same - Unionville UMC from 6:30-9:00 pm. Hope to see you all there!!
The Hangar Summer Hours
The Hangar has got a little refrigerator now that you can purchase cold pop for 50 cents. The Hangar will be open July 12th from 1:00 until 4:00, and again on July 18th from 11:00 - 1:00. Come hang out if you've got nothing else to do. The Hangar then won't be open...
Taste NC Campfire goes well…
Everyone had a great time at John and Kristie's house for the campfire this past Monday night! A 3-on-3 football tournie, and waterballoons were the highlights. Hope you can join us for the next one on Friday, August 11 from 7:30-10:30pm!!
Disc Golf Stats thru July 5th, 2007
Rank Name Score 1 Cody Williams 71.5 2 John Mohrbacher 74.8 3 Jake Simpson 77.2 4 Brandon Brown 86.5 5 Matt Willis 88 6 Seth Shiedmantle 88.6 7 Adam Wakefield 89.3 8 Ethan Brown 89.5 9 Cody Westover 94 10 Justin Stecklein...
Cody Williams is burning up the course
Cody Williams leads all competitors in our season of disc golf this summer. He has stayed consistently in the 70's, and has even posted a score of 69! Everyone else is mainly in the 80's and above except for yours truly and Jake Simpson. It's not too late to get in on...
Pray & Play is back for the summer!
Hey everyone don't forget Pray & Play starts back this Thursday! We know you've been bored all summer, so we are bringing back what everyone loves, more praying, more playing, and more snacks! Hope to see you there from 6:30 to 9:00 pm, and bring a friend.
Xtreme Week – American Idols comes to a close
Saturday we ended our last day of Xtreme Week. It was a great week overall. We talked about the Idols many Americans allow in their lives, idols of money, possessions, technology, and relationships. In the end we sat around the campfire threw our idols into the fire,...
Xtreme Teen Week – Continues
Tonight we head into our third night of Xtreme Week. If you haven't been there so far, there's still time to check out what's going on. Tonight we continue our discussions on American Idols as we talk about "the god of meehomies" and the dangers of putting friends and...
Xtreme Teen Week- American Idols kicks off!
Last night we had our first night of Xtreme Teen Week. We didn't have a huge turnout but those of us that were there had a great time. We also learned that we've all gotten a little out of shape in the few weeks since the last Pray & Play of the school year. Join us...
Hot Dog and Bake Sale a Huge Success!
We just shut down the grill and ate the extra baked goods at our Wal-Mart bake sale fundraiser! It was a huge success! In fact it was so successful we're thinking about opening our own hot dog stands called Skydawgs! Just kidding there, but Kristie got to tell tons of...