Great Big Group Date Lives On!

February was a very busy month at Skybacher Ministries. We kicked off things at The Freedom Place with a Dedication and Dinner Auction. Then we brought back the Someone Special Dance, while continuing to host Kickin' It Futsal Nights, and Rise UP basketball. For over...

The Someone Special Dance 25′

It may seem like a theme but "The Someone Special Dance" was an event we had held for many years up until 2020. Then it faded away with the many events and programs affected by the pandemic. When we knew we were going to have our own multipurpose event space in "The...

The Freedom Place Dedication & Dinner Auction 25′

It was a historic night for Skybacher Ministries on February 15th. This was the night that we dedicated our new community center/headquarters building The Freedom Place! It was last year on March 2nd that we held our first in person dinner auction since the pandemic....

A Blizzard Returns – Broomball Blizzard 25′

Back in the early days of Skybacher Ministries there were 4 staple tournaments that we hosted - dodgeball, flag football, volleyball, and a little sport called broomball. We have played broomball at Skybacher since the very beginning. It's a sport that is on a pretty...

Dodgeballs, Cereal, and Some Good Stuff!

We were very busy this fall working on things at the Freedom Place, but we felt like we still needed to host a few tournaments. In October we held our annual Dodgeball Pumpkin Blast at Provident Charter School. It was a new connection and was a great night of...

The Freedom Place – A Story

A Little HistoryIt was nearly 20 years ago to the day that I had spent my last Sunday as an associate pastor and was without work and searching for a way to provide for a family of 4. Kristie and I weighed out different ideas and we asked ourselves the question, “What...

Ultra Ultimate – May 17th

Saturday May 17th Skybacher Ministries Inc. brings you the first ever Ultra Ultimate Tournament. Teams will consist of 7 players 2 of which must be girls. The cost is $3 per person. It should be a lot of fun, so get out there and practice throwing that frisbee. Sign...

C-way and Young Bucks Win With Ease

This past Saturday we held our annual 3-on-3 Slam Tournament. We didn't get quite the turn-out we would've liked, but we couldn't have asked for a better day for basketball. In the Jr. Division the Young Bucks dominated the competition, and in the Sr. Division C-Way...

We Want You

Skybacher Ministries is looking for volunteers for the summer.  We need lots of help with our summer sports camps.  If you are in 8th grade or higher you can participate in helping this summer, and help make a difference in someone's life.  We need high school and jr....

Good News For All of You Social Networkers!!

Skybacher Ministries is on MySpace and Facebook! We've heard those sites are popular these days. So if you're looking to build up your friends list, or you just don't go on any other site but those you can still stay in touch with Skybacher Ministries. If that is not...

Introducing Skybacher Summer Sports Camps

Summer is on the way and so are Skybacher Ministries Summer Sports Camps. Check out Sports Camp Central for registration forms, waivers, and further information. Basketball 1 Jun. 23 - Jun. 27 Basketball 2 Jul. 28 - Aug. 1 Flag Football July 14 - July 18 Soccer 1 July...

Let’s Go Pens!!!

A few of the Lane 7 guys and I were able to catch a Penguin game right before their playoff run. We had a great time and want to thank Tickets For Kids, for their service. There was a lot of fighting and some really angry people, but the Pens pulled out a 2-1 victory....

Taste N.C. Jr. Uses Their Craniums

On March 31st we held our second Taste N.C. Jr. We had lots of fun playing Ultimate Frisbee. Then we put to work our craniums as we had a team challenge of the game Cranium. Who won we aren't sure, but everyone there had a great time. Hopefully you can join us for the...

Cosmic CTF comes to a CRASH!! Team Name Takes Over!

On Saturday March 15 we tried to have our annual Cosmic Capture the Flag tournament, but 5 minutes into the second game of the night we had a pretty bad crash. After all of the injuries we piled up last year in the playoffs we decided not to proceed any further with...

Pray & Play Egg Hunt

Last Sunday we held our annual Pray & Play egg hunt.  Everyone started out a little timid at first but it didn't take long for the paper to start flying and the hunt was on.  Lot's of candy and money filled eggs were found but I think we all had more fun...

Scrappers Scrape Up The Competition

On February 23rd we held the 2nd annual Whip-It tournament. A sport that is soon to be sweeping the nation. Six teams entered the tournament, and the competition was fierce. The Scrappers from 4 Mile Presbyterian rose above the rest of the crowd with 6 straight...

A Great Big Awesome Day in Pittsburgh

On February 9th 25 people traveled to our beautiful city of Pittsburgh for a fun filled day. We got things started at the scenic PPG ice rink. There were a lot of crashes and falls, but everybody was still able to walk afterwards. 299029822992 From there we walked a...

Pray & Play is Saturday Night this Week!!

Hey everyone!! Pray & Play is Saturday night this week from 6:30-9:00 since the Super Bowl is Sunday and we don't have cable at the church. Tell your friends - everyone's looking for plans for Saturday night!! Peace.

Updated List of Dodgeball Champions

 Date Champion Jan. 05 Baron Von Ballz Jun. 05 The Nothings Sep. 05 The Misfits Jan. 06 The Misfits Jun. 06 Wings, Suds, & Spuds Sep. 06 West Side Kenny G’s Jan. 07 Wings, Suds, & Spuds Jun. 07 Wings, Suds, & Spuds Sep. 07 Wings, Suds, & Spuds Jan....

Wings, Suds and Spuds Wins One For The Thumb!

We don't give out rings for Dodgeball Championships but if we did Wings, Suds, and Spuds would have one on each finger! Somebody stop these guys. Eleven teams entered the Dodgeball Blast 2. Ten teams failed to stop the reigning Dodgeball Champions Wings, Suds and...