Great Big Group Date Lives On!

February was a very busy month at Skybacher Ministries. We kicked off things at The Freedom Place with a Dedication and Dinner Auction. Then we brought back the Someone Special Dance, while continuing to host Kickin' It Futsal Nights, and Rise UP basketball. For over...

The Someone Special Dance 25′

It may seem like a theme but "The Someone Special Dance" was an event we had held for many years up until 2020. Then it faded away with the many events and programs affected by the pandemic. When we knew we were going to have our own multipurpose event space in "The...

The Freedom Place Dedication & Dinner Auction 25′

It was a historic night for Skybacher Ministries on February 15th. This was the night that we dedicated our new community center/headquarters building The Freedom Place! It was last year on March 2nd that we held our first in person dinner auction since the pandemic....

A Blizzard Returns – Broomball Blizzard 25′

Back in the early days of Skybacher Ministries there were 4 staple tournaments that we hosted - dodgeball, flag football, volleyball, and a little sport called broomball. We have played broomball at Skybacher since the very beginning. It's a sport that is on a pretty...

Dodgeballs, Cereal, and Some Good Stuff!

We were very busy this fall working on things at the Freedom Place, but we felt like we still needed to host a few tournaments. In October we held our annual Dodgeball Pumpkin Blast at Provident Charter School. It was a new connection and was a great night of...

The Freedom Place – A Story

A Little HistoryIt was nearly 20 years ago to the day that I had spent my last Sunday as an associate pastor and was without work and searching for a way to provide for a family of 4. Kristie and I weighed out different ideas and we asked ourselves the question, “What...

Xtremely Fun Campfires

We ended our second night of Xtreme Campfires.  It was a great time talking about the Incredible God we serve.  Friday Night we had a round of crazy team Disc Golf.  It was the guys vs. the ladies and the guys demolished the ladies but that's o.k. because we both had...

An Incredible First Night of Xtreme Campfires!

We just had our first night of Xtreme Campfires. It was "incredible" as that is our theme for the two nights, as we learn about the "Incredible God".  We played some ultimate frisbee, a little football, and had a few hot dogs.  There was an incredible skit, and we...

Closing Out the 07-08 School Year With One Last Blast!

On June 7th we closed out another year of tournaments here at Skybacher Ministries with one last Dodgeball Blast. We had 10 teams aspiring for the Blast Trophy. It was great to see a few new teams out like the Beasty Dawgs of Freedom and Transit Youth from Ambridge....

June Newsletter is out!!

Hey we just mailed out the newest Skybacher Ministries Newsletter.  Here it is for download if you're not on the mailing list or just want to check it out.  You can get on the mailing list by sending an email with your address to, or just check...

Xtreme Campfires – June 19th & 20th

On June 19th and 20th we will be having 2 Xtreme Campfires at Green Valley Park (Boy Scout Island). Our theme will be "The Incredible God" as we discuss what a huge God we serve. There will be games, snacks and lots of fun each night. Any teens in 6th thru 12th grade...

Disc Golf League Gets Started

Wednesday Night we kicked off the Skybacher Ministries Disc Golf League started. Nick won overall with a round of 68.  Garrett won when handicapping was brought into the picture.  The team of Garrett, Jake, and J-Mo won the team competition for the night. We could all...

Last Pray & Play of the School Year!!!

Last Sunday we had the last Pray & Play of the School year and we closed it out with a bang. 7 sports in one night!! We were all pretty exhausted after that one. Anyway we will start up again on June 26. Hopefully we'll see you there. Until then enjoy these...

Closing Out the School Year With One Last Blast

THIS MEANS WAR!!! It's the last tournament of 07-08 School Year! Wings, Suds, & Spuds has destroyed the competition by winning 4 straight dodgeball titles. Will they win their 5th straight? Can anybody stop them? Find out on June 7th from 6:30 - 11:00. It's our...

Skybacher Ministries Summer Calendar

We just released our summer calendar and there is something for everyone. We will be plenty busy this summer with lots of things to do- Summer Pray & Play on Thursday nights, Disc Golf League, and Xtreme Campfires are just some of the things headed your way. You...

In Spite of Bad Weather the Grill was Hot

Last Wednesday and Thursday Skybacher Ministries had it's annual Hot Dog & Cookie sale at Wal-Mart. Both days were a little bit chilly, and even wet at times, but that didn't stop people from buying hot dogs and cookies. Kristie sold 290 hot dogs, plus cookies and...

An Ultra Good Time at the Ultimate Tournament

It was the smallest turnout we ever had at a tournament, but that didn't stop us from having a great time. Two of the oldest and most faithful teams in Skybacher Ministries history showed up for the Ultra Ultimate Tournament. West Side and Worst Nightmare would battle...

Hot Dog Sale at Monaca Wal-Mart

You've tasted em before at every Skybacher Tournament. Now you can get them at Wal-Mart. Well, at least for 2 days. SKYBACHER HOTDOGS!!!! Kristie will be selling hotdogs and cookies at Monaca Wal-Mart to raise money for our summer Sports Camps. So, if you're looking...

The Hangar Gets a New T.V.!

This past Saturday the Hangar got a new addition. A huge 52 in. big screen t.v. Now we can really get some great games of Super Smash Bros. going, watch the Steeler games, and catch all of our Oprah fix. (WHAT?) A huge thanks to Mr. Dan Clemens the one who donated the...

First Disc Golf Action of the Season

The Lane 7 crew got out for it's first disc golf action of the season. The results remained much the same as last season as Cody Williams continued his dominance with a 71. Yours truly shot a 72, and Nick followed up with a 73. We will definitely be going out again...