The End is Near – Soccer Camp Day 4
I can't believe that tomorrow is the last day of not only soccer camp session 2, but the final day of Skybacher Sports Camps 2008. It has been so awesome! Anyway today we talked about integrity, and defense. We put both of those to the test in a crazy game called...
Soccer Camp Going Strong!!
We had a great day today with a start from Papa G's specialty donuts. Today was macaroni and cheese with Jelly & Peanut Butter chips...eeewww!! The camper's loved them! We worked on a lot of shooting today, and 12 campers went through goalie drills to learn proper...
Soccer Camp Presses On, and the Rain Holds Off…
Today was a great day - we had a few brief minutes of rain this morning, but all that meant was a chance to get muddy. Miss Kristie laid the challenge down that there would be double popsicles for the muddiest camper, and Leann answered the call. Papa G showed up and...
Kickin Off a New Soccer Session…
Our second soccer session started off today with 48 campers!! It was a great start! Our skill focus was dribbling, and our virtue for the day was peace, "keeping your cool in the midst of adversity". We had lots of practice dribbling the ball, and had a new...
Professor J’s Song
I'm not sure if you can get this on itunes yet but this song is soon to be sweeping the nation. A big thanks to Professor J's for all of his great lessons on life, music, and basketball. Here's the video!
Closing Out Another Basketball Camp
Today we closed out our second session of Skybacher Basketball Camp. It was a great week of camp as we worked on the fundamentals of basketball, and learned what it means to have faith. Professor J had one last day of class, as he tested everyone on what they had...
Basketball 2 – Day 4
We had a great day today, with visits from all our past guests from the other camps courtesy of Professor J's World Cultures lesson. Our skill focus was defense, which we reinforced with a game of capture the flag for our initiative. We played a great 2 team game of...
Basketball 2 – Day 3
Today started with Professor J bringing us to music class and sharing a song. Our virtue was focus and our skill for today was shooting. Teams had a blast playing lots of shooting games. Coach Justin and camper Kassandra got first place in our Hot Shot Shooting,...
Basketball 2 – Day 2
It was a hot one today!! We had a great morning stressing teamwork and working on correct and accurate passing. We had to work together to get "all aboard" the platform for our team initiative. Professor J came for a visit and "taught" us a few things about adding...
Bouncing Into Another Week of Basketball Camp
Skybacher Ministries just started our second week of basketball camp. We had 13 kids today but there are more expected tomorrow. Mr. John invited another guest speaker to introduce our virtue of the day and the skill focus. It seems he's invited a professor. Professor...
Next Up – Basketball Camp!!
It's still not too late to sign up for Skybacher Sports Baskeball Camp- session 2. Camp will start on July 28th and run thru Aug. 1st. It will be held at Freedom Area Middle School from 9 am - noon. If you are interested in registering call us at 724-846-1776. Don't...
Highlights From Flag Football Camp!
Here's a video of Cranky D's skill challenge, and a highlight video from our week of Flag Football Camp. It Feels Good To Be Outta Control!!!
Flag Football – Final Day!
This was such a great day! Cranky D started things off with some challenges to our coaches, and defeated them all, of course. We got soaked in a water game, had fun playing a game of steal the football, and the kids did an AWESOME job in their games!! Families joined...
Flag Football Camp – Day 4
We had a great HOT day today! The virtue of the day was discipline, and the campers were challenged to find their snack using clues for a treasure hunt. The heat didn't stop them from running all over the park to find some swedish fish to add to their morning snack....
Flag Football Camp – Day 3
Today was a great day - despite it being a Wednesday, the kids were very excited in their games today. Everyone is doing a great job learning the plays, and it was awesome to see so many kids trying out different positions. Our virtue of the day today was Self Control...