Would you believe I once won my middle school spelling bee?
Wow who spells pumpkin like that? Why didn't someone tell me that I had spelled it wrong. Right on the front page. For those who don't know what I'm talking about look at the word pumpkin on the dodgeball ad. I really did once beat out a bunch of middle school...
The Pumpkin Blast is On the Way!!
Coming October 25th it's the Skybacher Ministries Pumpkin Blast!! We anticipate this will be one of the biggest events ever, so register your team today. Here's the idea. Get your team together (10 players), pick a theme for costumes, and dress yourselves up. Power...
“The Kings” are Crowned Kickball Champions!
We just finished up our first ever Skybacher Ministries Kickball Kickoff. It was so much fun. We had four teams. Ambridge Ambush, The Lanky Midgets from Ohio UP, West Side, and The Kings. There was a lot of great kickball action, but in the end and just before...
Hines Ward is Skybacher Ministries Favorite Steeler!
Here are the results from the latest poll. Hines Ward is tops!! Yeah!! Who is your favorite Pittsburgh Steeler? Hines Ward (47%, 7 Votes) Troy Polamalu (33%, 5 Votes) Big Ben (13%, 2 Votes) Willie Parker (7%, 1 Votes) Total Voters: 15
Pray & Play- Stand Firm!!
Another week of Pray & Play, this week we played the growing sport of Whip-It, and the always popular dodgeball. We had 2 new Geneva students come out Gwen and Deeks. And were reminded to work on standing firm in our faith this school year with a movie clip from...
5 Things to Work on This School Year.
We had our second Pray & Play of the school year. We played kickball, dodgeball, and coneball. We read over Philippians 4:1-9. Here are the 5 things we can learn from the words Paul wrote. 1. Stand firm in your faith. 2. Rejoice, rejoice!! In the life God has...
Pray & Play starts with a Bang, (and a few thuds, crashes, & booms)
We just finished our first night of the 2008-2009 school year. We had 29 kids show up which was a bit overwhelming but awesome!! Everyone seemed to be in pretty good shape after getting back to school. We played ultimate frisbee, and cone ball. For prayer time we...
Pray & Play is Back on Sundays!!!!
This Sunday September 7, 2008 our sports and prayer ministry Pray & Play returns. We will be at Unionville Life Center from 6:30 - 8:30 every Sunday. Pray & Play is open to anyone in 5th grade and up. We'd love to see you there.
Board Meeting Picnic – Fun But Freezing
This news isn't very exciting but just wanted to share it anyway. Last night we had our yearly Board Meeting Family Picnic. (Yes we do actually have a board of directors). It was sooooo cold down at Green Valley Park that we were pulling out beach towels and things...
Join the Skybacher Ministries Fantasy Football League
If you like fantasy football or just wanna give it a try in a little friendly competition sign up for the Skybacher Ministries Fantasy Football League today. All you need is a Yahoo account, and you can sign up. The league ID# is 412493, and the password is...
Campfire Night @ the Mohrbachers Lots of Fun!!
We had a great time makin smores and hotdogs around the campfire, with only a few getting tossed into the cornfields 🙂 Tossin frisbees, swinging, and just hangin out on one of the last summer nights before school starts back up...it doesn't get any better!!
2 Exciting Football Possibilities From Skybacher Ministries
This fall Skybacher Ministries will once again be starting a fantasy football league. We will have the information for that up soon. Also after the success of the Disc Golf League we are going to try the first ever Wii Madden League. Stay tuned for further...
Skybacher Disc Golf League 2008 – Comes To A Close
This past Monday we had the last of our Disc Golf Days. Cody Williams took home the title for a second straight year. He posted a 64 as the lowest score this year. Nick also posted a 64 this season, but Cody had a better average over more contests. We actually played...
A HUGE Thanks to Our Awesome Staff!!
These staff gave up days and weeks of their summer vacation to serve the kids that came out to our summer camps. We are so thankful for their help and care for all the campers!! Just a glimpse of our afternoon celebrating and recognizing them for the service, and of...
Skybacher Sports Camp – FINAL DAY!!!
What an awesome 5 weeks we have had!! Today was great, with a start from Papa G's donuts, of course. Our skill and virtue for today was teamwork with lots of fun team games, and ending the morning with a water game. Our games for the parents was cut short due to rain,...