Great Big Group Date Lives On!

February was a very busy month at Skybacher Ministries. We kicked off things at The Freedom Place with a Dedication and Dinner Auction. Then we brought back the Someone Special Dance, while continuing to host Kickin' It Futsal Nights, and Rise UP basketball. For over...

The Someone Special Dance 25′

It may seem like a theme but "The Someone Special Dance" was an event we had held for many years up until 2020. Then it faded away with the many events and programs affected by the pandemic. When we knew we were going to have our own multipurpose event space in "The...

The Freedom Place Dedication & Dinner Auction 25′

It was a historic night for Skybacher Ministries on February 15th. This was the night that we dedicated our new community center/headquarters building The Freedom Place! It was last year on March 2nd that we held our first in person dinner auction since the pandemic....

A Blizzard Returns – Broomball Blizzard 25′

Back in the early days of Skybacher Ministries there were 4 staple tournaments that we hosted - dodgeball, flag football, volleyball, and a little sport called broomball. We have played broomball at Skybacher since the very beginning. It's a sport that is on a pretty...

Dodgeballs, Cereal, and Some Good Stuff!

We were very busy this fall working on things at the Freedom Place, but we felt like we still needed to host a few tournaments. In October we held our annual Dodgeball Pumpkin Blast at Provident Charter School. It was a new connection and was a great night of...

The Freedom Place – A Story

A Little HistoryIt was nearly 20 years ago to the day that I had spent my last Sunday as an associate pastor and was without work and searching for a way to provide for a family of 4. Kristie and I weighed out different ideas and we asked ourselves the question, “What...

3-on-3 Slam on April 25th

Spring is here and that means it's time once again for the Skybacher Ministries 3-on-3 Slam. On Saturday April 25th we will take to the Freedom Outdoor Courts.  This year we are opening the tournament up to all ages.  We will still have a jr. high division but the the...

West Side Gets One For the Thumb!!

It was a beautiful day for flag football as Skybacher Ministries hosted it's 5th Flag Football Frenzy Tournament. This time we decided to try out the spring weather and it was a great day. We had 6 teams total participate. The teams battled it out throughout the...

Skybacher Sports 08-09 Champions

We have had 7 tournaments total for the 08-09 school year with Flag Football 2 this upcoming weekend. There have only been 2 names on the champions list so far. Let's see if anyone can change that before the year is over. Here is the list of tournaments and the...

Five Loaves Campaign February Update

We've got great news about the 5 Loaves Campaign!  We have reached the 100 persons mark!  110 to be exact, and that number is growing each day.  Praise the Lord!!  A big thanks to everyone who has participated and made a difference in changing young people's lives. ...

Are You Ready For Some Football? Again?

You've asked for it for years.  "Why don't you do another Flag Football Tournament?"  We'll we are giving the people what they want on March 21st!  It's the Skybacher Ministries Flag Football Frenzy Tournament 2 - "The Mud Bowl".   How's that for a title?  We will...

The Streak Continues…

Our Whip-It tournament might have had a small number of teams, but fun was had by all!  The streak continues for West Sides' domination of tournaments this year - they remained undefeated throughout the evening.  Great job guys and girls from West Side!! We also...

Group Date Night Lots of Snowy Fun!!

Our 7th Annual Great Group Date was a lot of fun this year.  45 of us enjoyed a great night starting off with all-you-can-eat pizza and wings, and then capped off with 3 hours of awesome snow tubing at Wildwood Highlands!!  We had  a blast!

We’ve Got You Covered This Weekend at Skybacher

Have you got cabin fever? Tired of the cold and just can't wait to get out and run around? Well we've got you covered this weekend at Skybacher Ministries. First on Saturday we bring you the action packed game that is sweeping the nation called Whip-It. Doors will...

Great Big Group Valentine’s Date!

Sunday FEBRUARY 22nd Skybacher Ministries heads to the slopes of Wildwood Highlands for our annual Great Big Group Date.  We will have all you can eat WINGS, and PIZZA, along with 3 HOURS of SNOW TUBING, for only $20. We will be meeting at the church 3:15 p.m.   Call...

Whip-It on February 21st

We just finished up the Dodgeball Blast 2 but it won't be long before our next exciting tournament. Whip-It combines the elements of hockey, team handball, and tag to make an exciting action packed game. 6 Players are need per team 2 must be girls or you play with 4....

Everybody wants to hang out with Polamalu!

The results from the latest Skybacher Ministries Poll are in. Troy Polamalu seems to be the most popular Steelers or at least the person we'd like to hang out with the most. This was by far our largest poll ever on the site, as we got 119 votes. Thanks to everyone who...

Mini Blast / HUGE Fun!!

We had our first ever Kidz Dodgeball Night this past Saturday night and had an AMAZING turnout, and a whole lot of fun!  Starting the night with a visit from Chester and Marty (the refs), lots of Dodgeball games and giveaways, and ending the night witha  song from...