2nd Day of Mini-Camp – Lots of Soccer!
Today was another great day!! Our sport was soccer, which was really fun, put that together with a new game for the kids called "Whip-It", today was truly a BLAST! Our virtue for today was listening, and we were treated with donuts from Papa G, who was our special...
Skybacher Breaks New Territory with All New Mini-Sports Camp!!
We had our first ever Mini-Sports Camp. We only have 20 kids but it was a great time anyway. J-Mo and Blender came back and I'm not sure what they did but it seems their game is slipping. We did some basketball drills, and even threw in some dodgeball. Today's virtue...
Skybacher Basketball Camp Coming Soon!!!
July 27th through the 31st it's the second session of Skybacher Basketball Camp. Camp will run in the evenings starting at 6 pm. There will be plenty of fun and excitement, as Mr. John has invited his friend Professor J to teach some lessons each day!! Sign up...
Flag Football Comes to a Close
It was an amazing week of Skybacher Flag Football Camp. We learned about: courage, a tame tongue, integrity, servanthood, and praise. We had some intense and crazy football games. Cranky D and L.O. , and the "Lady from the bench" (Miss Diana) brought some...
Flag Football – Day 4 – Waterslides and a Tournament
Day 4 of Flag Football. Praise the Lord for some beautiful weather. Today we talked about servanthood. Cranky D and L.O. brought some strength training to the crowd. We had a little 5 team tournament with the under 12 and under 8's combined. There was a lot of...
Flag Football Day 3 – Rough and Rowdy
Day 3 of Flag Football Camp saw a lot of bump and bruises, but no blood. Everyone was rowdy today as Crank D and L.O got everyone fired up for the day. Our virtue of the day was "Integrity". We practiced having integrity in an intense game of Capture the Flag. The...
Flag Football Camp – Day 2
Another day of Skybacher Flag Football Camp. Today Cranky D brought out a new guest called L.O. I guess it means "lights out" because that is what happens when he hits you. Our virtue for the day was having a "Tame Tongue" as we learned about what it means to...
Flag Football Camp Has Kicked Off!!!
Flag Football Camp started today. It was a beautiful day for football. We had 48 kids show up to participate. Mr. John brought out another one of his guests. This time it's Cranky D who brought the virtue of the day, which today was courage. Can't wait...
Pittsburgh Motor Speedway July 11th
Next up we will be heading to Pittsburgh Motor Speedway on Saturday July 11th. We will be meeting at the church at 4:45. This event is free and for any youth in 5th grade and up!
Campfire and Cornhole a big hit!
We had our first campfire of the summer. We had a great turnout. The day had been pretty cold and damp but it turned out to be a beautiful night.
New Videos From Basketball Camp!!
We kicked off the summer with Skybacher Basketball Camp here is a video with highlights from that camp, and a Dunk Contest video as well! Enjoy!!
Flag Football Camp Starts on Monday!!!
Skybacher Sports is bringing out Flag Football Camp starting on Monday July 6th. It's still not too late too register! Also don't forget about the mini-sampler camp that will have a different day of each sport. Only a 3 day camp but it will be packed with lots of...
Xtreme Campfire this Thursday!
Just letting you know we will have a campfire at the Mohrbacher's this Thursday from 7:00 pm to 10:00 pm. We would love to see you there!!
What a Week at Soccer Camp!!
We closed out our second Skybacher Sports Camp yesterday, as soccer camp came to a close. It was an awesome week!! Mobacca made a music video and brought some more smoothies. We played world cup, the numbers game, and showed off for our parents. Then we closed things...
Soccer Camp – Day 4!
Day 4 of soccer camp. More water today, which was a good thing because it was blazing hot!!! Mobacca had a showdown with Josh Cantella, but it was his sister Jenn who would come in and score the game winning goal. We learned what it means to "Value" someone or...