Great Big Group Date Lives On!

February was a very busy month at Skybacher Ministries. We kicked off things at The Freedom Place with a Dedication and Dinner Auction. Then we brought back the Someone Special Dance, while continuing to host Kickin' It Futsal Nights, and Rise UP basketball. For over...

The Someone Special Dance 25′

It may seem like a theme but "The Someone Special Dance" was an event we had held for many years up until 2020. Then it faded away with the many events and programs affected by the pandemic. When we knew we were going to have our own multipurpose event space in "The...

The Freedom Place Dedication & Dinner Auction 25′

It was a historic night for Skybacher Ministries on February 15th. This was the night that we dedicated our new community center/headquarters building The Freedom Place! It was last year on March 2nd that we held our first in person dinner auction since the pandemic....

A Blizzard Returns – Broomball Blizzard 25′

Back in the early days of Skybacher Ministries there were 4 staple tournaments that we hosted - dodgeball, flag football, volleyball, and a little sport called broomball. We have played broomball at Skybacher since the very beginning. It's a sport that is on a pretty...

Dodgeballs, Cereal, and Some Good Stuff!

We were very busy this fall working on things at the Freedom Place, but we felt like we still needed to host a few tournaments. In October we held our annual Dodgeball Pumpkin Blast at Provident Charter School. It was a new connection and was a great night of...

The Freedom Place – A Story

A Little HistoryIt was nearly 20 years ago to the day that I had spent my last Sunday as an associate pastor and was without work and searching for a way to provide for a family of 4. Kristie and I weighed out different ideas and we asked ourselves the question, “What...

It’s All Over!!!

Friday we brought to a close an amazing summer of Skybacher Sports Camps.  2 Soccer camps, 2 Basketball Camps, 1 Flag Football Camp, 1 Mini-camp, slip-n-slides, funny characters, water games, cheese balls, donuts, laughter, tons of kids, an amazing staff of...

Soccer Camp – day 4 – Fun, Fun, Fun!

Today started off with Storm the Castle to work on dribbling, defending, and protecting the ball.  Papa G entertained us with more delicious donuts, and then a penalty shootout, with some World Cup.  Morning ended with our games and popsicles - another great...

Water Slide & Soccer – Can’t Get Much Better!!

Even with overcast skies, and not so hot temps, the campers had a blast on our Bonzai Water Slide today!  The morning was filled with donuts from Papa G, and 2 separate tournaments of soccer games.  Fun was had by all!!

Soccer Camp Day 2!!

Today our skills focus was Shooting and Passing, and we rotated through stations to work in smaller groups on those skills.  We also had some rigatoni spreusel donuts made courtesy of our guest, Papa G.  Our virtue of the day was sharing, and we had a great team...

Kick-Starting Another Soccer Camp!!!

Today we kicked off our final Sports Camp of the summer!  We had 70 kids!!! Which was overwhelming in the beginning, but such a blessing.  Our "Big Word" for the day was "Teachability" and hopefully some people learned some soccer!  Mr. John invited his friend Papa G...

The Final Day of Basketball Camp 2 09

We closed out our 5th Sports Camp of the summer. Professor J and Pop Quizzy took on J-Mo and Blender in a basketball showdown. We talked about teamwork, had a dunk contest, played the numbers game, threw some water balloons, showed off for our parents, and closed...

Basketball 2 – Night 4

Tonight was great as we talked about being "steadfast", being dependable and able to be counted on despite the circumstances.  Professor J & Pop Quizzy took us to Science class tonight where they disected a large frog, and did a Chemistry experiment that didn't...


We will keep basketball camp at Unionville church both Thursday & Friday evenings due to the chance of rain and thunderstorms.  Address again is 1297 Rte. 68 Rochester, PA  15074

Basketball Camp – Night 3!!

Thank God for the rain, and for Unionville Church that kept us dry and allowed camp to run smoothly.  We had a terrific night of team relay races to work on dribbling & passing, some 3 line passing drills, and team firing squad to work on our shooting.  Professor...


Hey everyone! We are moving camp for tonight to Unionville UMC due to the rain.  Address is 1297 Rte. 68 Rochester, PA  15074 See you there!

Basketball II – Night 2

We had another great night of learning some fundamentals of basketball and working on our shooting form, while keeping the virtue of humility in mind through the example of playing some 4 square!!  Professor J had some art class with the campers, and brought out...

Basketball 2 – Night 1!!!

Our first night was great!  Professor J came and spoke to the campers about being Real, and being who God made you to be, and then our skills focus was dribbling and passing.  For the first night, games went great - we are looking forward to some great basketball this...

Mini-Camp Comes to a Close.

We just completed the first ever Skybacher Mini-Sports Camp.  It was challenging teaching a different sport each day, but we made it through and managed to have a lot of fun in the process.  The last day was spent playing flag football. We got a visit from Cranky D...