Searching for Treasure, and Finding Encouragement – Soccer Days 3 & 4
It's hard to believe but we are heading into our final day of the Skybacher Sports Camp. Wednesday was a great day as Papa G made another special donut. He called his Captain Choco Jerky Delight. He also introduced the All-Star action of Search as he searched for...
Lots of Goals Accomplished Today – Soccer Day 2
Papa G started off our day with some "Frito Crunch" donuts that were enjoyed by the campers. Our All=Star Action today was Accomplish, and the campers were challenged to give their best in everything they do, and to complete their jobs, or their part on the soccer...
Soccer Camp Is Here!!!
What a GREAT start to Soccer Camp today!! Papa G visited with some of his world famous doughnuts! Our All-Star Action of the day was Design, and teams spent some time designing a team flag for the country they will be for the week. We spent some time focusing on...
Skybacher Ministries In the Czech Republic
It has been a few days since Tyler and I got back from an amazing trip to the Czech Republic. A huge thanks to everyone who was praying for us. We are still trying to get our schedules adjusted but it is so good to have our family all back together. We are still...
It All Started With A Dream
Last night's All-Star Action was DREAM. Campers were encouraged that God created them with a DREAM. Professor J was acting wacky and he invited some of the kids to participate in a Dunk Contest. Things continued to be wild and crazy as we spent time playing the...
Building For the Future
Another great evening of Skybacher Basketball Camp. Professor J introduced the All-Star Action of Build. He then opened Arch It Texture Class and challenged any future engineers to a goldfish building competition. Professor J ultimately won and sent the students...
I Love It When the Plan Comes Together!
I think that's from the A-Team but last night was my first night back in full swing of the Skybacher Sports Camps. It was great to be back at work teaching basketball. Our All-Star Action of the day was Plan. We talked about how sometimes our plans don't go as we...
Basketball Session II Starts MONDAY!!
Hey everyone! Our second basketball session starts THIS Monday from 5:30-8:30p at the Freedom Middle School gym. We are looking forward to another week of some great basketball - we still have spaces open - register today!!
Flag Football Day 4 – Tackling Stuff
Day 4 was a lot of fun - starting with some freeze tag, and then right into some Indian Leg Wrestling as a fun way to tie in the word tackle - the kids were challenged to think about things in their lives that need "tackled", not walked away from, or ignored, but...
Flag Football Day 3 – Communication is Key
Today was a GREAT day. Our word for the day was Communicate. We did drills to encourage QB communication, as well as team communication. We played a rock, paper, scissors type game called Wizards, Elves & Trolls to get the kids to work as a team. The games...
Flag Football Camp Day 2 – Support Your Team
A perfect weather day for football, almost felt like a fall breeze had blown in. Cranky D and L.O. camp out and stirred up a riot after their punt competition. They introduced the All-Star Action for the day which was Support. Campers later put the idea of...
Flag Football Camp Kicks Off!
Skybacher Ministries moved onto it's third sports camp of the summer. Flag Football camp kicked off today and it didn't take long for Cranky D and his friend L.O. (Lights Out) to step in and tell everyone to calm down. The All-Star Action of the day was Name. Mr....
A Joyous Celebration – Final Day Soccer Camp
Skybacher Ministries closed out it's second sports camp of the summer. Mobacca brought back his friend GoBacca and Popobacca to play a friendly match of soccer. Popo tried to relive his glory days of high school as he had no mercy in beating Mobacca and his 6 year...
A Day Full of Compliments – Soccer Day 4
Today was an all-time favorite. Mobacca brought his brother Chewbacca and they got things started with some singing and dancing. The all-star action of the day was Compliment. Campers received yellow and red cards for giving good compliments. I've never heard so...
Listen Up – It’s Day 3 of Soccer Camp
The sun was definitely out today. It was blazin hot!!! Everyone did various drills and then each team got a turn on the Super Slip n Slide to cool down. Lot's of water was thrown on people's heads too. Mobacca brought a few more family members. His Aunt Flobacca,...