Basketball Camp-Day 2: Improve!
With the cloudy weather, it was a great to move inside to the basketball court and IMPROVE our skills! Today's virtue of the day was IMPROVE and we did lots of it! Some highlights from the day include: J-Mo and DJ Blenda teaching kids how to IMPROVE their swagger...
The Skybacher Summer Sports Camps are Off and Running!
Today was the start of our fourth year of the Skybacher Summer Sports Camps. We are so excited to be hosting another year of sports fun for the summer! Today we tipped things off with Basketball Camp. Highlights from the Day included: We got to meet the counselors...
Skybacher Ministries Now on Twitter – & Summer Calendar for Teens
Well it's 2011 and I guess this Twitter thing ain't going anywhere fast. So we decided here at Skybacher Ministries that it's time to get some tweets going. We have a few college students who will be keeping the followers updated of all things Skybacher throughout...
Skybacher Summer Camps – Still Not Too Late to Register!!!
The Skybacher Summer Sports Camps start on Monday June 13th! Don't miss out on Fundamentals, Faith, and Fun! All mixed in with Slip-n-slides, snacks, awesome counselors, and crazy activities. And don't forget the crazy characters each morning! J-Mo and D.J. Blenda!...
Wal-Mart Hot Dog Sale Tomorrow!
It's that time of the year again! The annual Skybacher Ministries Hot Dog and Bake Sale at Wal-mart is tomorrow!!! Stop down to the Wal-Mart in Monaca and get yourself a nice juicy hot dog for lunch and some cookies for dessert! This where Skybacher Ministries got...
Skybacher Sports Camps June 13th!
We are less than two weeks away from the start of the fourth year of the Skybacher Sports Camps! On June 13th Mr. John and the crew will kick things off with a week of Basketball Camp at Freedom Middle School. It will be filled with lots of basketball action and...
The All New Skybacher Ministries Web Video
We are so grateful here at Skybacher Ministries to introduce to you our all new web video put together by a bunch of awesome students over at Geneva College. The students were part of a production team called Kingdom Focus Productions, lead by Professors Hughes and...
Rubber Duck Derby – Coming July 30th
The Fundraising Committee at Skybacher Ministries is so excited to announce our next Mega-Fundraising Event. Coming this July 30th at New Sewickley Community Days we will be holding a Rubber Duck Derby at Green Valley Park. Ducks can be purchased for $5 right here...
Best. Dodgeball. Weekend. Ever.
We had an incredible weekend of Dodgeball this past weekend. On Friday night, 55 kids battled it out for a real fun time, even having a chance to blast their parents at the end of the night!! Then we had Teen Dodgeball on Saturday night - 11 teams (over 115 kids)...
Dodgeball Final Blast 2011 Pics
Help Wanted: Skybacher Summer Sports Camps!
Skybacher Ministries is looking for volunteers to help out this summer at the Skybacher Sports Camps. Don't worry if you're not a sports fanatic, or have never had a job before, no experience is needed. We are looking for students in middle school, high school, and...
2 Dodgeball Smack Downs in 1 Weekend!
This Friday and Saturday Skybacher Ministries will close out the 2010 - 2011 school year with our most popular tournament. DODGEBALL!!!! On Friday night K-6 students are invited to the Dodgeball Mini Smack Down at 6 pm. Students will have the chance to buy...
March Madness Slam!!!!
We had a great turnout for our March Madness Slam - with 9 teams competing for the Jr & Sr High trophy, and 4 teams competing for the Elementary trophy, there was some great basketball taking place!! Congratulations to team Aquafina who took 1st for the Sr. High,...
Hangtime 3rd-5th Closing Program – Closes out GREAT!!!
Our 3rd-5th graders saw so much improvement over 6 weeks time!! We haven't just enjoyed teaching these kids basketball - it was great seeing them really trying to work on being a good teammate, and putting into practice the words that Coach John challenged them with...