8th Annual Dodgeball Pumpkin Blast – It’s Going Down
Hard to believe but this October Skybacher Ministries will be looking for it's 8th Champion of the Dodgeball Pumpkin Blast! On OCTOBER 20TH teams of 10 players (2 girls) can come battle it out for the title of Blast Champions. The tournament starts at 6:30p. Don't...
October – Events Just Keep Falling
The leaves are starting to change color, and that can only mean one thing - Skybacher Dodgeball is here! This October we have a ton of exciting events. Pray & Play will continue on TUESDAYS in Hopewell and on SUNDAYS at Freedom. On Oct. 7th we will hold the...
Recycling Volunteers Needed
Skybacher Ministries needs volunteers for New Sewickley RECYCLING! We are looking for church groups, sports teams, youth groups, scout troops, families and people who love their environment to volunteer for Recycling from 9am - noon every 2nd and 4th Saturday of the...
2012 Rubber Duck Derby Photos
Another School Year, Another Year of Pray & Play
A new school year is upon us and that can mean only one thing...Pray & Play is back!!! But unlike ever before Skybacher Ministries is starting out the school year with Pray & Play taking place in 2 different locations. This year we will continue Pray &...
Rubber Duck Derby Race Results!!!!
Thank you to ALL our business sponsors!!! *including Socash Plumbing & St. John's Burry's Church 2012 Rubber Duck Derby Winners: 1. Duck #158 - Val Rhoades - $150 CASH 2. Duck #467 - Lucy Miskulin - $75 CASH 3. Duck #355 - Sally Galena - $250 LensCrafters 4. ...
Duck Derby Races to Friday Night
The waters of Brush Creek were raging and so the Duck Derby didn't happen the night we had planned. We have sold 399 Ducks, which is short of what we were going for. but the good news is that you still have time to purchase a duck online, and increase your chance...
Summer Dodgeball Showdown
As if we aren't giving you enough to do with your summer, now Skybacher Ministries is having it's first ever Dodgeball Summer Showdown on July 9th. The tournament will take place at Unionville Life Center from 5:30 - 8:00p. Cost is $5 per person. Open to students...
Flag Football Camp – Scores a Touchdown!!
It was an amazing week of Flag Football at the 2012 Camp. Campers were greeted each day by Cranky D, Doris, and a man named Sal Squatch. Each day campers were introduced to a different virtue; Design, Strength, Perseverance, Joy, and Laughter! One of the highlight...
Summer Time!! It’s Only the Beginning!
School is out!!! And summer is here!! That means on Monday June 11th the Skybacher Sports Camps start with Basketball Camp at Freedom Middle School! It's is still not too late to register!! Also if one Basketball Camp is not enough for you, this year we are offering...
Let’s Go Bucs – Pirates vs. Twins June 20
The Pirates are only 3 games out of the race for the pennant. I don't know how long we will be able to say that. So, why not join Skybacher Ministries at the ballpark to watch the red hot Bucs vs the Twins on June 20th! Tickets will only cost $5 per person. We will...
Basketball Camp is Just Around the Block!
Summer is almost here, and that means so are the Skybacher Sports Camps! On June 11th Mr. John has invited J-Mo and D.J. Blenda back to get things jumpin with Basketball Camp. Don't miss out on this exciting camp focusing on basketball fundamental skills, more daily...
Hidden Treasures Dinner Auction
Over the past several years we have been praying at Skybacher Ministries that God would take us to the "Next Level". Soon after that we established a fundraising committee and they came up with the Valentine's Dance and the Rubber Duck Derby. ...
Rubber Duck Derby 2012 – Coming this Summer!!!!
This Summer Skybacher Ministries is bringing back the Rubber Duck Derby! Ducks can be purchased for $5 online or at any Skybacher Camp or Event. Get in on the excitement early and purchase a duck today!!! Click on our EVENTS PAGE to purchase a...
Register & Pay Online for Skybacher Sports Camps!!!
Woohoo! Now you can pay and register online for the Skybacher Sports Camps! If you don't have the money now but want to pay later you can still register for camp and just click "Pay on Site". Look out Wendy's, McDonalds, and Sheetz! Skybacher Ministries is creating...