It was a historic night for Skybacher Ministries on February 15th. This was the night that we dedicated our new community center/headquarters building The Freedom Place! It was last year on March 2nd that we held our first in person dinner auction since the pandemic. Our Executive Director – John stated at that event that he felt like the ministry was not done dreaming and that we were going to continue to pray and believe for a building and a headquarters where young people might be able to gather. Less than 2 weeks later he found himself sitting in the parking lot of what now is the Freedom Place with the door open. April 19th was the day that Skybacher Ministries would get the keys to The Freedom Place.
It wasn’t until the end of June that we had our first workday, and then it has been a stream of people, volunteers, and workers that have come together to make this a beautful space.
This day our director once again laid out the vision and the testimony of Skybacher Ministries moving forward. Then Tyler Mohrbacher got up to share his testimony of how Skybacher Ministries has always been a part of his life. It was a very powerful reminder of the ways God works in our lives. Eveyone was asked to joined in a song of worship – “I love you Lord” and then there was a prayer of dedicating the building and believing that people will experience true “Freedom” in this place.

After that people went down to the hall for dinner and the auction. We had a lot of really great items. Homemade wooden table, champagne glasses and wine, cuts of meat, trips to Penguins and Pirates games. It was an amazing night of fun and fellowship and we raised a lot of funds for our summer camp program.
Thank you to all who participated and made this possible. We look forward to seeing all that the Lord has in store for “The Freedom Place”! Dream On!