- Little Hoopers!
- Crazy Sock Day
- The Whole Basketball Camp
- Soccer Camp Shade!
- Flag Football – Be Strong!
- Soccer Lessons!
It was another amazing summer at Skybacher Ministries! We can’t believe it’s almost over, but that only means we are gearing up for another school year of Dodgeball Tournaments, Pray & Play Outreach and After School Hangtime Basketball. We’ve just put our latest newsletter in the mail. You should be receiving yours shortly but if you can’t wait, or are not on our mailing list you can download your copy today and read about the summer.
A couple of things to note:
- We are about half way toward meeting the funds needed for our matching grant.
- We are starting Pray & Play our sports and play outreach back up on Sunday Sept. 7! 6:30p – 8:30p at Unionville Life Center
- We are looking for volunteers and help for our upcoming tournament schedule.
- You are loved!
Read about this and more in your copy of the Skybacher Summer Newsletter!