I love the Olympics! I couldn’t get enough of it. I stayed up every night until midnight waiting and watching to see who would win the gold medal each night. (Thank goodness they’re over so I can get to bed at a reasonable time now). I couldn’t imagine all the hard work and practice the athletes must endure to be the best at their event in the world, but what an incredible feeling it must be to finally be doing exactly what you know you were made to do. I’m sure as they stood there on the podium they could think of all the trials, of all the pain, of all the adversity they had faced to get to where they now stood, and how, now, it was all worth it. They were born to run, and now they had run the best race that they could possibly run.
Its inspiring!
It inspires me! I know that I have been in training since as long as I can remember to be in ministry to youth and children, and to be all that God really wanted me to be. That’s what we’re trying to do, some days we want to give up, some days it hurts, some days it just seems like we can’t go on. But I want that gold medal and I can’t give up. This is what God made me to be, and with his help I intend to give it my all. It’s amazing!!!
But one thing I do: “Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 3:14
I spent all summer working in Aliquippa in Plan 11. I must say we definitely do have a mission field right in our back yard. I saw as much hurt and depression in those few short months, as I have ever seen. Each day was a new adventure. By the end of the summer they were asking both Kristie and I to consider bringing some programming to the Aliquippa area. We are praying about it, and will see where God leads us.
Skybacher Ministries Inc. News
We’ve been working hard to try and get some things going. We just met with Unionville United Methodist Church and it looks like they are open to allowing us to use their facilities. We’ve run a few programs in Ambridge and are currently praying about things in Aliquippa, and right here around us. Here are a few of the things we have planned.
- September 25th we will have a booth at a craft fair at Unionville United Methodist Church
- October, Tuesdays at Pizza Hut is Skybacher Ministries Inc. Month (see the flyer we’ve included for details)
- November 19th we will be having a bake-sale at Monaca Wal-Mart (any donated baked goods will be appreciated)November 29th is the 1st Annual Turkey & Stuffing Volleyball Tournament
You can register a volleyball team online, or call me and I will send you a roster.
Also we are asking people to help with the bake sale, so if you love to bake and can help us out please let us know and we will make arrangements to pick up the baked goods. Finally don’t forget to go to Pizza Hut Tuesdays in October!!
It’s Exciting!!
Thank you to all of you for your prayers and support in this.
We also have been working at obtaining an insurance policy for the ministry, though, that has been a slow process. It is very costly, and not many places want to risk insuring an independent ministry to young people, with the culture the way it is with so many people suing for every thing. Please keep the details for that in your prayers.
God has continued to remind us that this will happen in His timing. We would love to jump ahead and start programs and events, but so many things need to be in place along with the funding to pull it all off, that we are trying to only move forward as He opens doors for us. Praise God that He still is opening doors. We know He indeed has a plan that is far better than ours.
Finally I think that most of you have heard by now, but some of you may not have heard that Kristie is expecting again. Praise God for another miracle in our
lives, and to think 5 years ago we wondered if we would ever have kids!! She is due the end of February.
Remember you can catch more Madness @ Mohrbacher Madness
or see what Skybacher Ministries Inc. is up to @ www.skybacherministries.org
Prayer Requests:
- That our financial needs would be met, and for a job that would allow me to continue to invest in the ministry but would meet the needs of our family.
- Insurance policy for the ministry
- Details to fall into place for our home base site
- Openness in hearts of youth and area churches
- Funding for the ministry
- Completion of all the necessary paper work that still needs filed
- Future property for Skybacher Ministries to grow
- Smooth pregnancy for Kristie