- Team Huddle
- I’m Open!!
- Cereal collected for food pantry
- Hot cocoa time!
- He’s open!
- Look at this snow!
- Queue NFL films music
- Service!!
- Bump!
- Set!
- Block!
November is always a very busy month for us as we try to pack in 2 tournaments within the month. We started with our annual Flag Football Cereal Bowl. On the Saturday before the tournament it rained all day Saturday, and when I went down to the site of the tournament it was completely saturated with puddles and water. We prayed and called around to see if we could move it somewhere and with the help of our friends at NCSAA, God showed up and help provide and opportunity to host the event at Wright Fields at Veterans Park. The students were thrilled at the opportunity to get to play on the nice turf field, and when it started snowing huge flakes it only added to the amazing atmosphere that day. In all 5 high school teams battled it out and 3 Jr. High teams. It was one for the memories, and we once again collected 46 boxes of cereal for a local food pantry.
On Black Friday we spent time as we always do at the Turkey & Stuffing Volleyball Tournament. This was one of the most competitive tournaments we’ve had in sometime as 10 teams battled it out for the title. Once again though the guys from West Side found a way to grind out another victory.
Finally our Hangtime Basketball program has continue to roll on with 106 students learning skills and starting to play games on Saturdays reffed by the high school basketball team. Thanks be to God!