- Last Pray & Play 2014/15
- Final Crew at Pray & Play
- Disc Golf Club
- Disc Golf Club
- 4th Grade Celebration
- Eagle’s Nest –
- Giants, Wizards, and Trolls
- Ummm???
- Last 4th grade celebration at Big Knob!
There isn’t too much to report from this month. It is a rather quiet month for us as we get ready for the Skybacher “more than” Sports Camps. We did wrap up another year of Pray & Play. It was an amazing school year of praying for our school, our friends/family, and the activities that we do. We even took some time to memorize a few scriptures!
If you’ve never tried disc golf, then you are missing out on a good time. We have started a new Skybacher Disc Golf Club and have gone once a week. We also started back up our over 18 basketball nights. If you are interested in playing we play on Wednesday nights 8pm at Unionville and please bring $2.
Finally we closed out May by running games and dodgeball for the last 4th grade celebration at Big Knob Elementary. What a fun day it was. Now we are heading into 6 weeks of the Skybacher “more than” Sports Camps. We can’t wait!! Please keep us in your prayers, and don’t forget you can still sign up for any of the 6 camps!