John’s Job Update

We would greatly appreciate your prayers in this time. Things have been a bit challenging at the church, and we are trying to sort out what God would want us to do.
Please pray for wisdom for us to know, and for discernment to handle things with integrity and character. We cherish your prayers as we make some tough decisions.Things with the youth have gone well. We have about 15-18 teens coming out every week for Youth Group, and then have had lots of outreach activities for our youth to bring friends to. We had a Great Big Group Valentine’s date on Feb. 14, where we went to North Park Clubhouse to eat and play games, and then all went ice skating at North Park ice rink. The youth had a blast!!

Kristie’s Korner

I am loving being mom to Ty and Renae. They continue to keep things interesting and fun around here!! Tyler is 2 and learns something new every day!! He is a bundle of energy, and a sponge, just soaking up all he can. He loves learning Bible verses, and to date has 4 committed to memory, and knows the Lord?s Prayer as well. So cute to hear him pray? God must be smiling every night as He listens to our
kids Renae has just turned 6 months old and is starting to be pretty mobile (I am trying to baby-proof quick) She can army crawl to get things she sees in front of her, and sits up all by herself. She absolutely is fascinated by her big brother, and lights up when he is around. No matter how rough he can be with her, she just smiles and smiles.

Mrs. Tupperware

Yep, my newest venture is selling Tupperware. I just started, for something extra to do, and to earn a little extra money. I need some more parties to get me started, so if you would consider having one, I would love to be your Consultant. (there’s lots of free Tupperware to be had for hosting a party) Just e-mail me or give me a call and we can set something up.

News Around the Family Horn

We have been so blessed to live in close proximity to our family and friends. Grandma and PapPap’s house has been a fun hot spot for the kiddos (especially with nephew, Zeke living there). And Mema and PupPup’s new addition, Winnie (a miniature poodle), has been a fun playmate (once Tyler got used to her), as well.
My sister Julie just found out that she is pregnant and expecting her second child in November, so grand total for the Hookes is up to 8 after that baby. Whew!!! This has necessitated an upgrading in home size for the grandparents, and Mema and PupPup will be moving at the end of the month into a 3 bedroom place for more playroom for grandkids.

Jamaica news

We have missed not going to Jamaica this year. This is the first time in 8 years we have not taken a trip. We have been in touch with friends, there, however, and the ministry is growing like crazy. They have built a new missions house in a more centralized location. The work has branched out a bit from Harmons, into surrounding communities, which has been a blessing to all. There is a summer intern program for college students, and more trips than ever before. It’s exciting!! Please keep them in your prayers. We are praying that God would open a door for us to share the newest addition to our family with them sometime in the near future, we shall see.

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
We want to again express our thanks to all of you for how much that you all have blessed our lives. Many of you, we wish we saw more often than we have, and many we are thankful that God has kept us in contact with. You all are a blessing!
Stay in touch.

In Jesus,

The Mohrbachers
John, Kristie, Tyler, and Renae