It’s been forever since I’ve updated this! I’m closing out the school year at Freedom Jr. High, and then will be looking for summer work. It’s amazing how God has allowed me to be in the public schools nearly everyday since November. I can tell you it’s no accident. The rest of the family is doing well. The kids are getting so big!
Skybacher Ministries has had 2 events recently we had a basketball tournament in April, and just recently we had a worship night. Both events went very well, and we got a ton of kids coming out who aren’t necessarily from a church background, which is great!!
Next Saturday we’re having a dodgeball tournament at Unionville at 7 pm to close out the school year. It was great success last time and hopefully will be this time. Feel free to stop in and check out what we’re up to if you want.
That’s about it for now!