- Strong Towers!
- Girls Just Wanna Have Fun!
- Oh yeah!!
- Praise God for Puddles!!!
- Mobacca and Obacca!!
- Team Photo
- J-Mo, DJ toaster and the crew
- JUMP!!!
Our 8th year of the Skybacher “more than” Sports Camps got started this June! We opened with a great basketball camp where our theme was “JUMP!” We talked about not letting fear hold us back from jumping into the things that God has called us to. It was a great start to the summer.
Next up was soccer camp, and it proved to be one of the most challenging weeks from a logistical standpoint as the rain made it so we were running out of grass to play on. God turned those challenges into blessings as we used the huge puddles He provided to some of the best fun we have ever had at a camp. Our theme of “I am the original” led to many fun times of campers using their unique gifts and talents!
Finally we just wrapped up the best Flag Football camp we have had in 3 years. We had an amazing turnout and there was lots of great football action. We studied the book of Joshua and how we can be strong and courageous in the midst of struggles. Seemed appropriate! It has been an amazing start to the summer and that’s the great thing, we are just getting started! Please keep our summer staff in your prayers as they continue to do a great job of impacting future generations!
Don’t forget this July we have a Kickball Classic, we have 3 more camps in Basketball, Soccer, and All-star Playground, and at the end of it all we have our Annual Rubber Duck Derby!