- The Jedi’s
- Sold Out
- The Dragons
- Line it up!
- Charge!!
- The Glow
- 2016 Champions the Jedis
- Don’t hide the light!!
Another new year! 2015 was jam packed with incredible moments, and difficult challenges, and more examples of God’s faithfulness. We are excited about 2016 and all the God will do! We kicked off the new year with a new exciting event from the end of last school year – The Cosmic Clash! The Cosmic Clash is dodgeball under the glow of blacklights! It was an amazing night as we combined the junior and senior tournaments into one long evening! Kindergarten – 6th grade kicked things off and the energy was intense! Nearly 80 students packed out the gym, throwing glowing dodgeballs, playing foursquare, and dancing to the music! After they had the traditional showdown with the parents to end the night, it was time for the big kids to take the stage. Nine teams battled it out with the team calling themselves the Jedis taking home the title. All of the students were challenged to let their light shine and not hide it from those around them! It was a great start to 2016! Don’t forget in February we will have our annual Someone Special Dance Fundraiser, and The Great Big Group Date!