Well sometimes my life don’t make sense at all, when the mountains seem so big and my faith just seems so small, so hold me Jesus cause’ I’m shakin like a leaf, You have been my King of Glory, won’t you be my Prince of Peace.- Rich Mullins
Those words seem to ring true right now. I’m having a great time with the kids at Aliquippa, but the overall program is pretty frustrating, and I come home so drained from work I feel like there isn’t much gas left in the tank. I want so bad to work on things for the ministry but time just escapes me. I know that it is all in God’s timing though.
Last night Pastor Anthony called me out of the blue (he’s the pastor who was at conway before me) We’ve never talked before but it was so good to talk to someone who went through all of the same kind of garbage that I did. I still remains hard and we are both searching for ways to bring closure to that whole point of our lives. Just hearing that neither one of us were crazy for feeling the ways we did was a huge relief to both of us, and maybe we will even meet in the future.
Well this is a long one but I felt like journaling some things. I start soccer tomorrow, and my wife and I are maybe gonna get a date at the Pirate game if all goes a planned.
Hey! Havent talked to you guys since Suncrest! That was too bad that you had to leave so soon, but you were right Kristie….Elwood was an awesome speaker. I had so much fun. This site is awesome cuz i can keep up with you!! Well ill probably talk to you by phone later. Love you…..Jenn