Pray & Play Sundays at 6:30pm

Are you bored on the weekends?  Do you need to burn some stress before you start your school week?  Skybacher Ministries has a solution! On September 11th Pray & Play returns.  Pray & Play is exactly what the name says.  We have a time of PLAY.  Running, Jumping, Throwing, Kicking -Organized Gym Time.  Followed by a time of PRAY. -prayer for school, your family, your job, your sports teams.  Throw in some snack, a little bit of sweat, and a lot of laughter and you have a perfect way to get your upcoming school week started.

Pray & Play is open to all students in 5th thru 12th grade

It takes place at Unionville Life Center every Sunday from 6:30p to 8:30p

There is no cost for this program.  Nor do you need to sign up for it.  Just show up on Sunday nights and bring a friend!

If you are interested in learning more about this programs and others that Skybacher Ministries offers click here

to watch a short video