- HangTime Basketball
This past December we wrapped up our 6th year of the HangTime after-school basketball program. There were 20 students in the 3-4th grade program, and 32 students in the 1-2nd grade program. This year’s theme came from Psalm 103:5 which states, “He fills my life with good things. My youth is renewed like the eagle’s!” Each week we talked about a different “Good Thing”. Good sports, good friends, good choices, good teammates, were all subjects we discussed.
We also continued the fundamentals of basketball, and built games up from 3-on-3 to full court 5-on-5. It has been amazing to see the improvement of basketball skills and knowledge from year to year. We closed things out with games, complete with a scoreboard clock and announcer. It was a great ending to another successful basketball program.
Don’t forget our annual March Madness tournament will take place on March 22nd!
Also don’t forget the “Good Things”, God fills our life with!