- HangTime!
Skybacher Ministries moved it’s after school HangTime Basketball Program to the months of November/December this year! Which means we actually hosted two HangTime programs within 1 calendar year. I am pleased to report that the basketball skill level continues to grow! The 3rd and 4th grade started out with basic fundamental dribbling and 3-on-3 games. By the end of the program they had worked up to full court games of 5-on-5 and continually catching the ball and looking to attack from a triple threat position. The 1st and 2nd grade kept us on our toes and brought tremendous energy each week. But they too improved in their shooting, passing, and dribbling.
But HangTime is not just about the basketball but also building character. Each week students focused on a different virtue. Our Lessons were as follows.
High Fives – encouraging one another
Always Give Thanks – be thankful for all that we have
Never Give Up – trying you best
Good Sportsmanship – good atttitude
Teamwork – putting others before yourself
Integrity – be honest and fair
Make Good Choices – good decisions.
Excellence – doing the best in all you do.
It all adds up to spell HangTime – and the whole program added up to an absolute blast for all involved. Don’t forget about our upcoming basketball tournament on March 23rd at Unionville Life Center.