“We love because He first loved us.”
– 1 John 4:19
This February, Skybacher Ministries got to enjoy special time with special people.
On February 17th, we had our annual Someone Special Dance at the Big Knob Grange. Over 150 attendees danced the night away! As always, the dance featured Skybacher favorites like the newspaper dance, limbo, a photo booth, free cookies, and gift basket raffles. Thanks to all who donated a raffle basket!
Another February favorite is the Great Big Group Date. This year, we took a group of 24 into Pittsburgh to ice skate at PPG, enjoy dinner in Market Square, and take a ride up the Duquesne Incline. To our pleasant surprise the weather was over 60 degrees and NBC was broadcasting its Sunday hockey program rink-side at PPG! If you were watching the Penguins post-game, you may have seen some of us on TV waving behind the commentators and analysts 😉 The weather and NBC made for an even more awesome experience at PPG. A big thanks Tickets for Kids for providing us with tickets to PPG and the Incline!
Our Middle School Girls Group kicked off our spring bible study with a pizza and game night. The girls first made homemade pizzas and munched on sweets, and then they decided to focus on studying women of the Bible during our spring Girls Group. They’re excited to learn about how God led the women of the Bible, like Esther, Mary Magdalene, and Ruth, to accomplish great things through their faith. And to round out the night, we played Watch Ya Mouth, Signs and Mafia. And trust us when we say there was no shortage of laughter that night! Thanks to Tickets for Kids, Kristie had the chance to take some of our 7th grade girls to the Peterson Event Center to watch the Pitt’s women’s basketball team take on Clemson.
Also, we used this loving time of year as an opportunity to speak to our students about love, dating, and relationships during Pray & Play. We’re so thankful for the opportunity to speak into students’ lives about who God created them to be and what He desires for their lives.
- Great Big Group Date Group Photo at PPG Ice Skating Rink
- This isn’t so hard!
- You can never go wrong with Five Guys… yum!
- On the way up the Duquesne Incline.
- What a spectacular view!
- All smiles at the Someone Special Dance
- How long can you go?
- Just made it!
- Say cheese!
- Prop fun.
- All smiles 🙂
- Middle School Girls Group Game Night
- 7th grade girls enjoying a Pitt women’s basketball game, courtesy of Tickets for Kids!