For many years we have held our Annual Rubber Duck Derby to replenish funds after our summer camp program. This year we once again had a booth and presence at New Sewickley Twp. Community Days. We gave out t-shirts, and info and had many people stop by the booth and purchase a duck in the race. The one concern was that before all of this started there was a terrential downpour, but no worries, the actual duck race was hours away. Our test crew went down to the creek at 5:30p and the water was fast but managable and so we decided we would be able to pull off the raise of over 400 rubber ducks off. At 7:30p we made the call and many people headed creek side for the big race. Typically the race last 8-10 minutes for the last ducks to cross. This time would be much different!! When we got creek side our finish line had nearly washed away. There was no turning back and we dumped out the ducks – 2 minutes later a wave of rubber ducks rushed over the finish line and past all of our “catchers” We have heard stories of ducks being seen further down Brush Creek and probably somewhere down in the Missippi River! The winners were extremely happy and as the onlookers laughed and smile, one gentleman screamed that it was the best thing he had seen all day!! Not sure we will ever replicate that race, but it was one to remember for sure!! Thank you to everyone who participated in and purchased a duck. If you live creekside and find a duck floating up – keep it as a reminder of Skybacher Ministries!!!