It’s hard to believe but the fall meant the start of our 15th school year of sports ministry!!! We kicked things off in October with the annaul Dodgeball Pumpkin Blast. We didn’t have a huge turnout for the High School tourney, but many of the State Runners-up Girls Soccer team and WPIAL Semi-finalist football team showed up to play, and hear a message about keeping things humble in the midst of performing at the highest levels! (Trust us it was a God thing!) Champions – The Swaggin Dragons
Jr Champions Sold Out
In November as the weather changed we popped in two more tournaments. First was the Flag Football Cereal Bowl that we were able to host at the new turf at Bulldog Stadium at Freedom for the first time ever. It was a great community event as 10 teams battled it out for the Cereal Bowl Championship. In the end The Swaggin Dragons would take home their second straight Skybacher Sports Title. We collected over 50 boxes of cereal to donate to Unionville UMC food pantry.
Champions- Donald Bump
Finally on Black Friday we held our 15th Annual Turkey & Good Stuff Volleyball Tournament. 7 Teams battled it out and it was an amazing night of celebrating 15 years of ministry for Skybacher Ministries. We had several family teams, and several teams of Skybacher Alumni, in the end is was a team called Donald Bump that would win the title! Brooball next up for the winter and Cosmic Clash in January!!!