- Team Jesus
- The Punishers
- Champions – Skillz that Kill
This December we hosted our 10th Annual Broomball Blizzard! Wow! Feels weird to be saying 10th but anyways it was one once again a great night of slipping, sliding, crashing, bumping, and goal scoring! Seven teams battled it out on the ice, each playing 4 games of round robin. Then after a message on “The Most Wonderful Time of the Year” – recognizing we have a Savior. It was time for the playoffs! Twelve minute long games upped the scoring and the tiredness. In the end a former Broomball Champion Team Jesus faced off against young up and comers the Skillz that Kill. It would be Skillz that Kill who would take home their first ever Broomball title! Congratulations to them and thank you to all who participated in this great event.