“Be still and know that I am God!”
– Psalm 46:10
At the halftime of our last tournament of the year, Dodgeball Showdown, John challenged our students with this verse. Could they be completely still and completely quiet for one minute – no phones, no talking? It was a fun exercise with plenty of laughter afterwards! In total, we had over 75 students join us for the showdown at the Freedom Elementary School. Congratulations to Souled Out and Peddles the Bear for taking home the championships!
- Peddles the Bear
- Souled Out
April also means it’s time for our Annual Dinner Auction. There was plenty of good food, good fun, and good auction items to be had! This year, our theme was Building the Dream. Starting with that first bake sale outside Wal-Mart to raise enough money to buy volleyballs for Skybacher’s first-ever tournament, God has been building and orchestrating his dream through us for 13 years. Thank you to all the families who came and supported us!
- Annual Paper Airplane Contest
- Thank you auctioneer, Chuck Speicher!