- Lindsay Shumate
Another school year is winding down, and the weather is beginning to break, which is all very exciting news. We have some exciting news to report from April as we celebrated our 5th Annual Dinner Auction. Skybacher Ministries was thankful to look back at the past, enjoy the present, and dream to the future with our “grow” theme. John spoke on the ministry’s focus on continually planting and nurturing seeds in our students while the 35 attendees also heard about being content in all circumstances from Lindsay, Skybacher’s newest staff addition. In addition to the message, attendees competed in a paper airplane flying contest and built mini marshmallow and toothpick towers with the highest tower soaring over 18 inches tall. The auction portion of the night delivered as the main attraction by providing both plenty of laughs and drama with big thanks to caller, Chuck Speicher, and all the local businesses who donated items for our auction.
We had a great month at Pray & Play celebrating our Risen Savior as well as looking at some “amazing stories” from the Bible. We moved dodgeball to May for this year so we didn’t have any tournament”s this month. We are getting staff together and getting ready for our 6 weeks of “More Than” Sports Camps! Don’t forget Dodgeball Showdown is May 20th!