- 312 campers
- 31 amazing staff and volunteers
- 1,780 popsicles
- 5 incredible weeks of sports, Jesus, and fun!
- 11 counselor games
- Too many smiles and laughs to count
- An abundance of blessings and changed lives!
Cheeseballs, slip-n-slides, donuts, daily skits, team initiatives, coming up with team names, receiving red cards for compliments, created basketball nicknames, rap songs, jump rope, overcoming floods, and power outages, were all part of this year’s camp experience. We had 31 amazing staff and volunteers who helped with the five weeks of camp. Week 1 we focused on the “Power of Words” as campers learned basketball as well. Week two it was time for soccer and learning the “Fruits of the Spirit”! Week 3 brought the rowdiness of flag football and lessons on “Being Strong and Courageous”. After a much needed break during the week of the 4th it was time for another week of basketball and our theme “Created for a Purpose”. Finally we closed things out with a beautiful weather week for soccer, and the reminder to “Taste and See the Lord is Good!”. What a privilege to serve God and be a part of these five incredible weeks of camp.
- Photo Bomb!
- The little hoopers!
- Goofing around!
- The Chocolate Ice Cream
- Basketball Camp Staff
- We Love TJ!
- Fruit Bowl Champs!
- Fruit Bowl Champions!
- Red Card!
- Mobacca & Friends!
- Explosive Grapes
- Purple Watermelon