This November 19th we once again hosted our annual Flag Football Cereal Bowl. It was a beautiful day for football, and 19 teams came and battled it out on the day through 4 different age divisions. First off we always encourage students to donate a box of cereal that we take to a local food pantry. This year we were able to drop off 127 boxes of cereal at Family Matters Food Pantry. But once the cereal was collected it was time for some flag football. In the elementary division 3 teams battled it out but it was the Bulldog Bashers that would take home the title. In the middle school/jr high division Arby’s Elite dominated the competition. The Wicked White took home the high school title, and it was the Gingerbread House who pulled a surprising upset in the Over-18 title game. Students were also reminded to “Keep Going” even in the midst of challenges and opposition – to Be Strong and Courageous! It all added up to a Cereal Bowl full of fun and blessings!