Saturday night Skybacher Ministries held it’s annual Broomball Blizzard Tournament.  Ten teams battled it out on the ice.   There was plenty of slipping, sliding, and amazing goals.  After the first round finished there was a quick discussion on be God’s servant when he want to take things to the next level.  After that it was back to the action and 10 teams were soon dwindled down to 4,  Say No More, Team Jesus, The Punishers, and The Kings.  The number 1 Punishers, and the number 2 Team Jesus advanced to the championship, where Team Jesus wore down an exhausted Punishers team, bringing them their first Broomball Title ever!  Congratulations to Team Jesus and everyone who participated!  Also Congratulation to the Grande Pequanos for the Sportsmanship award courtesy of Eat-N-Park. It was a great tournament.  Skybacher Sports will see you in 2011!